When do you meet?
At BCA we utilize a university style schedule so we are in the classroom Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:45a.m.-3:45p.m. This helps students grow their individual study habits on Tuesdays and Thursdays and pursue their own interests.
What grades do you teach?
At BCA we teach grades 7th- 12th.
Are there any specialty classes you offer?
At BCA, we believe a well-rounded education means understanding human history and God’s hand in it. We divide our history and literature classes into four segments of history, achieving the goal of exposing students to a foundational understanding of classical and modern literature and history in the following divisions:
Ancient: From Genesis to AD 500
Medieval: From AD 500 to AD 1,500
Renaissance, Reformation, and Exploration: From AD 1,500 to AD 1,800
Modern: From AD 1,800 to Present
As a Classical Christian school we also offer a number of language classes both ancient and modern including Latin, Hebrew, Spanish, and Russian.
What is a Christian Classical Education?
At BCA we want to illuminate and understand what is Good, True, and Beautiful. We teach the Good in building Christ-like character, the True through God’s Word, and the Beautiful in seeing God’s hand in all things that leads us to worship. In this we invest not just in academics, but the student’s whole being-preparing them to be faith filled leaders who inspire and educate future generations.
What is your religious affiliation?
Boise Classical Academy promotes an education based upon a Christian worldview. Although we meet at the Boise Church of Christ building, our curriculum is independent of any particular church. We are not aligned with any denomination and accept students from all faith backgrounds.
I am interested in BCA, what are my next steps?
We would love to have you learn more about Boise Classical Academy and check us out! Feel free to reach out with further questions or schedule a shadow day to see how we operate.